Pumpkin patch fun! – san diego family photographer

I love shooting in new places and my birthday is on Halloween, aka, lover of all things FALL…sooooo, when my client asked if we could shoot at Bates Nut Farm I was so excited!! Somewhere I’d never shot at annnnd lots of pumpkins and fall goodness?! YES please! This beautiful couple is celebrating their 5 years married today!! and they were married right there at Bates Nut farm, so this was quite a celebration of family and love and 5 years! They have such a beautiful family and it was a pleasure to capture their happiness and joy together – even more so that grandma and grandpa came along for the ride and got into some shots! What’s more special than that?! To the Fonseca’s…Happy 5 year Anniversary!! May you have 5 (and 50) more wonderful years together!!

pumpkin patch sessionwww.tarahsweeney.com_0303www.tarahsweeney.com_0304www.tarahsweeney.com_0305