Sometimes when I try to find a way to describe how God has blessed me with this business of documenting the love people have for each other and their families – it comes out sounding like a cheesy hallmark card. However, I cant even touch on the beauty of the craft that is being allowed to step into people’s lives, with out talking about the actual people who let me do just that. I feel so fortunate to meet and know such wonderful families, people who love God and their country and raise their family in a way that inspires me. It’s not just now and then, it’s so often I get these kinds of people in front of my camera and each time it happens, I’m humbled to be there and honored the entire time I edit. Smiling the whole time. This family is like that. <3 Remember this session? and this one? Makes me all warm and fuzzy 😛 Here’s a peek! 🙂