Family day at the USS Midway! – san diego photographer

Ok, first of all…Happy New Year!! 2013 was extremely fun and a lot of work, but incredibly rewarding and I am so excited for what’s in store for 2014! As I’ve mentioned before, so cal “winters” are pretty easy and not considered winter by any stretch of the imagination, today, in mid January was no different. 80 degrees and beautiful. So we thought it would be fun to do some exploring with our kiddos and introduce them to some history at the same time! Such a fun day and so incredibly moving to learn about the USS Midway. Highly recommend it to anyone who lives or visits SD!

uss midway san diegowww.tarahsweeney.com_0383www.tarahsweeney.com_0384www.tarahsweeney.com_0385www.tarahsweeney.com_0386www.tarahsweeney.com_0387www.tarahsweeney.com_0388www.tarahsweeney.com_0389