Holy smokes. There was a time when I wasn’t enjoying work anymore, call it burn out or the hustle…it happens. But let me tell you, covid has really brought about a passion for what I do. These times are hard, heartbreaking really. Such an array of heartbreak and disappointment that seems to be a broken record of repetition. But, photographing families and couples and LOVE…honestly, cheesy as heck, brings such simple joy to my heart and fills me up. It’s such a beautiful gift to create images that pull people out of the reality we are in. I hope when my clients receive their images, they’re so full of love and adoration for not only the gallery but for the captured connection and emotion that is tangibly evident. I’m grateful for all the people who trust me and also, who trust in creation right now. It’s easy to think family photos don’t fit into the narrative of the world, but they do more than ever. Really, when you break down everything that’s happening, the most important thing at the end of the day is those you spend your life with.